regatta accounts & participation guidelines for PWRC members.
PWRC members who wish to participate in regattas (regardless of which team you are on), must establish a Regatta Account at the beginning of the season (prior to participation in any regatta).
Members are required to deposit funds into their Regatta Account before participating in any regattas. If the account nears zero, the member is expected to deposit additional funds to cover all anticipated regatta fees. Any remaining funds in the member's Regatta Account will be returned to them at the end of the rowing season. PWRC will not subsidize member participation in regattas.
Establish your account by putting a check (made out to PWRC) in the drop box at the boathouse (the white metal box on the back wall of the boathouse). Or, mail your check to: PWRC PO Box 594 Occoquan, VA 22125
Scroll down for more information about payments and what these accounts pay for.
NOTE: If you plan on participating in a USRowing event, such as the USRowing Masters National Championships/Head Race Championship, you will need to join/renew as a USRowing "Championship" member. Cost is $65/year for those 27 and older, $45/year for those 26 and younger.
Paying for Regattas PWRC member Regatta Accounts will be deducted to pay for each individual's participation in regattas throughout the rowing season. PWRC will send an electronic statement to the member's email address periodically, showing the balance of their Regatta Accounts. If an Account has a negative balance, the PWRC member cannot participate in any regattas. Coaches will be notified of rowers with overdue Accounts. No member owing PWRC will be entered in any regatta until the account is paid in full.
What Regatta Accounts pay for: Home Regattas (on the Occoquan River)
Event registration fee(s) – range from $10 - $20 per event depending on the size of the boat
Away Regattas (not overnight)
Event registration fee(s)
Coach's per diem
Trailer rental, gas, and tolls
Trailer driver expenses (lodging, meals, etc.)
Away Regattas (overnight)
Same expenses as above, plus
Coach's lodging (1/2 the cost of a double occupancy room)